I have been doing an infant massage class on Tuesday mornings with my teacher pal, LeFlore. LeFlore is expecting Kinley's two future BFFs in November. That's right, 2! I am sure Caroline, Julia, and Kinley will hit it off nicely when they arrive. Anyways, our instructor is working on becoming a certified in infant massage so she has to have so many classes before that can happen. I am sure there is more to it but all I know is that I am learning infant massage for free with my friend. She comes to my house and teaches us how to massage the baby. I massage Kinley and they massage baby dolls. Kinley is not always a huge fan of it but I am guessing she just takes after her mom and isn't much of a morning person.
ANYWHO, after class LeFlore hangs for a bit while we chat and she practices being Mommy with Kinley. Whenever she holds her, her babies start moving and kicking. Are they saying 'HI!' or 'Quit squishing us! It's already tight enough living quarters!'?? One day when she left, we walked her out. Tobie bursts out the door to check her front yard land and we hang for a minute so she can do that. As I am coming back in, I decided to pull up a plant that had died. {do you remember what happened last time I pulled up something in the flowerbed???} Lo and behold this guy comes crawling out at me!
I am sure you can imagine what I did! Jump up, screaming and run off... to get the camera!
That is a spider.. with its egg sac attached to it!
I politely put it in some Glad-ware and left it on the porch for Preston to take care of. What did he do? He told me he shook it up real good and washed it down the sink. Say What?! You brought that thing into my house? We will probably have baby spiders crawling out of the drain. Eeeeeeeeeekkk!
A few weeks later, he was on the patio and saw a black widow. And then another. And several egg sacs. What did he do to those? Got the lighter out and burned them. Did you know the black widow will pop when burned? It does. We have (and have had it since shortly after Kinley was born) some spider bomb to bomb our house but you have to be gone for 2 hours. So someday we all, Tobie included, have to leave the house for at least 2 hours so it can rid of spiders.