- the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile- ever since I was 'in charge' of Truck Touch, I randomly think of neat vehicles I would like to get to our event to make it bigger than the previous year
- School calendar- to try and map out topics I want to cover and how closely they fall to a holiday
- Tulsa Zoo's Education program- they will come out to schools and even bring animals with some of their programs
What a heart warming gesture! I hope this project gets funded so that these items will be a constant reminder of how a nation came together to support one another. I am in no way saying that my other donors have not shown generosity but I am moved by this woman's desire to help her child learn about compassion and helping others.
Currently, I wear a blue TEAM ISAAC bracelet as a reminder to pray for a Sapulpa family as their 13 year-old son battles brain cancer at St. Jude's in Memphis, Tennessee. Now, when I see my students using the materials in our dramatic play center, it will be a reminder to say a prayer for all of the families affected September 11th.
That is really sweet! I teared up! Damn the hormones, they have never been the same!