Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Here's to 9 Years

Before we found out if two Snowflakes were alike....
Before there was a little Snowflake in July....
Before there was a sweet, little, white pup to love....

There were two teenagers that met briefly in junior high and then crossed paths again in high school. Unknowing at the time, December 4th was a date that changed my life.

winter formal 1998

lunch date on a school day in the park

high school graduation
What babies we were, right?! 

What started with a basket of stolen suckers from Grandy's and a first date to our High School basketball game has turned into a life full of happiness, love and laughter. You can tell he is a true romantic at heart... stolen basket of suckers and a basketball game. It's a good thing I was so young and naive to fall for such a romantic, trouble maker. :)

Even today, I say, "Would you have believed you would have ___ (married/traveled to cool places/had 2 babies with/made a great life with)" you high school sweet heart?"

 This time, when I said yes, I knew I was in for something good. I had no idea how good March 18, 2006 would change my life. It's hard to believe it has been 9 years of wedded bliss! It seems like yesterday that I married my friend; the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, Love. 

You make every day better! You make my world a better place!
Thanks for loving me a little more each day! There is no one I would rather do life with!
I love you!

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