Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Friendship Company

When I was little, I was a member of the Sandi Patti Friendship Company. I'm sure we paid a small fee to join but the main part of it was receiving a pen pal. My pen pal was from Newfoundland, Canada. I don't remember how many years we wrote back and forth or how many letters were involved. Tabitha and I sent packages. There was the occasional phone call (since back then it was a big deal to call long distance let alone to another country). She was there when my mom was sick and even passed away. As we got older, we lost touch but she would always cross my mind.

Fast forward to 2007, when a gal from church sent me a facebook message asking if I knew a Tabitha. She said she had randomly been messaged asking if Liz knew me. I told her yes and then we were back in touch... only in a whole new light. Our messages were sent (and could be received) right away. We spent a few days catching up on life and now can use facebook to stay in touch. Sharing details of your life probably couldn't get any easier. Technology is so amazing!

All of that background story to get to a picture Tabitha shared with me the other day...

A couple things that I thought about when I saw this picture...
**we used to use a typewriter to type letters. if you were one of the lucky, your typewriter had whiteout, otherwise you crossed it out or started over.
**"vcr tape"? we used to have to share things via recorded messages. no skype. no facetime. no facebook. also, i didn't know too many families with a video recorder. i think that goes in to the "lucky" category.

Most importantly what set with me was a reminder of how much faith my Mom had. This letter was written six months before she passed away so she knew her time on Earth was not forever but she still felt inclined to tell my pen pal, who none of us had ever actually met, how thankful she was for the thoughts and prayers. 

I love the sweet reminder, I just wish I could have a little bit of that unquestionable faith.
{enter metal note to work on...}

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