Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 91-92

Starting back to school on Monday was bittersweet. After being out of school for 2 weeks, going for 8.5 days and then getting another 4dW was nice. Can't everyday be a snow day?!

Since I didn't make it through my lesson plans the week before, I didn't have any planning to do. I would just pick up where we left off. Polar bears were the plan so there was no need to go to school to prepare. "I will just go a little early." It is really hard to do that when you wake up at 8:00 and HAVE to be at work at 8:30. It takes me about 10 minutes to drive there too. I managed to get there, showered and all, by 8:40. When I was telling someone at school what time I got up, they asked, "What happened to your alarm clock?" I responded with, "He didn't wake up either!"

The friends at school weren't too crazy. We made it through the day to come home to this...

This is what happens when you are getting new carpet!!!

Looking like crackheads sleeping on the floor

Our empty room
Day 92- I did not oversleep but felt sleepy all day. Tomorrow is the big day for carpet at home! Apparently that is more exciting to me than school. I have worked hard at convincing Hubby we need it. I mean, I am not the one that got paint, Dr. Pepper, spaghetti, stain, etc. all over it but that helped my case. :) Thanks Hubby!

I am trying to think of another grant to write. Our district has a grant program towards the end of the year. One downfall to that.... it makes me think, "what will I be teaching next year?" It's hard to think that I have almost made it through a year, too! But, I could also post another Donors Choose project. Hmmm.

{Sorry this was a rather boring post. I will try to liven it up tomorrow.}


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